Annex A- Research Proposal

For social science/exploratory research

Aim of research: To find out what kind of knowledge should people know about bipolar mental disorder and how should we behave to the people with bipolar mental disorder

Subject of study: Medicine and Health--- Bipolar Mental Disorder

Relevancy of research

1. Why is your research important?
Our research is important as it would let people know more about people with bipolar mental disorder and they would know how to treat them. Our research can also help to raise the awareness in the society about bipolar mental disorder and the knowledge we should have about them.

2. How does it contribute to existing body of knowledge?
Although the existing body of knowledge has some information and symptoms for bipolar mental disorder, not many people know the knowledge of bipolar mental disorder and how to treat those people. Because of not treating the people with bipolar mental disorder, they go to an extent of committing suicide which is a loss of life. This is why the body of knowledge should have the treatments, the way to treat them and the knowledge of bipolar mental disorder.

3. How does your research contribute to impact the society or community?
As said earlier, it will raise an awareness in the society about bipolar mental disorder. The community does not give respect to people with these kind of mental illnesses. So after our research, they will know the knowledge of bipolar mental disorder and how to treat these people so that people with bipolar mental disorder would not be stressed up or depressed.

Scope of research
Scope: We are going to do a survey to see how well do people know about bipolar mental disorder. We are also going to make a webpage for people to comment and write about what they think about bipolar mental disorder as this would be useful for our research. To know more about the knowledge and how should we treat those people with bipolar mental disorder, we are going to research interview doctors.

Bound: We cannot interview experts or any other authorised people who know a lot of bipolar mental disorder since we do not have to authorisation to enter or interview.

Literature review

1. What are the current research available/you have come across?
Bipolar Mental Disorder is a manic depressive illness. Some symptoms of bipolar mental disorder is severe. Bipolar mental disorder is not easy to find out at the beginning. To find out you will have to start noticing the people’s behaviour when it gets unusual.
2. Summarise the research articles that you have encountered which may be useful to your research
Generally, Bipolar Mental Disorder is a mental illness. It cannot be treated easily and there is no cures until now. But with good care and treating, some people with bipolar mental disorder have been normal.


1. How are you going to gather data?
We are going to gather data for our research through surveys and interviews.
2. How are you going to collate data?
We are going to collate our data by taking notes or having audio recording during interviews. We can also take screenshots of how people have answered for our survey in order to get information for our research.
3. How are you going to sift and sort data (example: which data is important?)
We are going to use the data which are relevant and useful for our topic and research. We are going to use the informations doctors have said for our research since what they say is the most reliable.

Data analysis
1. How are you going to analyse the data?
We are going to analyse the data by comparing the information each doctor have given and we are going to compare the information to see which is more reliable and relevant. Through the survey and our own research in the internet we are going to keep the most understandable and useful information.

2. How are you going to present the data?
We are going to present our data through slides and the audio recording of the doctors’ interviews. We are also going to present our data through a skit which illustrates how a person with bipolar mental disorder acts in certain situations since this can make the audience understand the feelings and why that person reacts this way. They will get to learn a bit of knowledge they should have about a person with bipolar mental disorder.

1. (“National Institutes of Health’’, n.d.). Bipolar Mental Disorder, Retrieved from


  1. List/identify the hazardous chemicals, activities, or devices that will be used
      There would be no hazardous chemicals, activities or devices that will be used because we are not going to carry out any experiments.

  1. Identify and assess the risks involved.
           A risk would be we might not have authority to interview the doctors.

  1. Describe the safety precautions and procedures that will be used to reduce the risks.
           There would not need to be any kind of safety precautions and procedures as there would be no risks in our research.

Describe the disposal procedures that will be used (when applicable).

List the source(s) of safety information.

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